MACKIE CONTROL UNIVERSAL EMULATION VIA BEHRINGER CONTROL SURFACE PRESETS Art Hunkins abhunkin AT uncg DOT edu August 2007 The Behringer BCF2000, BCR2000 and Nano are fairly unique among control surfaces: 1) they permit programming of multiple pots/sliders as pitch bend controllers; 2) they include a set of endless rotary encoders. In addition, the encoders can issue MIDI messages in MSB (Most Significant Bit) mode. (Behringer calls this "Relative Mode 3".) These features are important because emulation of the Mackie Control Universal (MCU) requires them, and MCU is a powerful, standard control surface implemented by most DAW's. The accompanying sysex files are *user presets* for these Behringer controllers, that partially, yet directly emulate the MCU. Other emulations require various data conversion processes such as those done by the MIDIOx VBScripts described in a companion document, "Control Surface Emulation of the Mackie Control Universal" (; there, a large number of generic and specific scripts are described - scripts that convert data from a range of control surfaces.) In comparison to other methods of interfacing these control surfaces to DAW's, the current implementation has the following advantages: 1) to the best of my knowledge, it is multi-platform; 2) it runs without the aid of any utility program - and as a result runs fastest; 3) it works identically with *all* DAW's that natively interface with the popular MCU; 4) it emulates more individual controls than do native DAW interfaces for these surfaces (native interfaces are usually limited to faders and/or VPots/ pans). The user presets for both *BCF2000 and BCR2000* - a single preset for each - can be installed in any desired location. Once installed, the user has only to select the preset. (See end of article for info on two new presets, BCF2MCU+.syx and BCR2MCU+.syx - which add some capability, and a bit of installation complexity, to those described here.) The following MCU controls are emulated: top row of encoders = VPots; encoder ("press" switch) group 1 = Mute, group 2 = Solo, group 3 = Rec/Rdy (Arm), group 4 = VPot Switches. The top row of buttons = Select. The next- to-top row of encoders on the BCR2000 = 8 faders (on the BCF2000 the faders = 8 faders!) On the BCR2000 only, the last encoder of the third row down = Jog Wheel, while the final encoder of the bottom row = Master Fader. (The remaining encoders do nothing.) The bottom row of buttons (left to right) = Fader Bank Left and Right, Channel Left and Right, Cursor Left and Right, Zoom(Shuttle) and Arrange Record. The group of 4 buttons at bottom right are Transport controls: (top) Rewind and Fast Forward, (bottom) Play and Stop. The *Nano* implementation comes as a series of 5 presets, which must be installed in successive locations. (As seen below, they may be constituted in groups of 1 to 5 presets.) In addition, they may be set up to control either 4 or 8 channels. (The Nano only has 4 encoders; 4 channels particularly suits Ableton Live's LE [Light Edition], which is limited to this number.) Preset (sysex file) 1 implements the following MCU controls: encoders = VPots 1-4; encoder pushbuttons = Mutes 1-4; buttons = Solo 1-4. Preset 2 implements the same groupings, but for channels 5-8. Preset 3: encoders = Faders 1-4; encoder buttons = Rec/Rdy 1-4; buttons = (Channel) Select 1-4. Preset 4: same as preset 3 except for channels 5-8. Preset 5 is different: encoders 1-2 are inactive, while encoder 3 = Jog Wheel and encoder 4 = Master Fader. Encoder buttons = Arrange Record, Zoom(Shuttle), Cursor Left and Right, respectively. The buttons = remaining Transport functions: in order, Rewind, Fast Forward, Play and Stop. (Note that in this preset, the Jog Wheel serves nicely as Cursor Up and Down.) All the following sequences of files/presets make sense: file 1; files 1 and 2; 1 and 3; file 3; files 3 and 4; 1 and 5; 3 and 5; 1, 2 and 5; 3, 4 and 5; 1, 3 and 5; 1, 2, 3 and 4; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. When multiple files are installed, the different groups of functions (presets) are accessed simply by pressing the Preset back and forward buttons. Furthermore, since the "pots" are endless rotary encoders, all current values are "remembered" as you switch among presets; no "skipping" is involved. You can transfer these sysex files to your unit with any sysex transfer utility, including the one included here (Sysex Loader - Windows only) by Royce Craven. Simply load the sysex file, and after checking for MIDI out from your computer to Behringer, Send the transfer. When it is finished, move the Behringer's Preset buttons to the location you desire and *press Store twice*. Repeat for as many presets as you wish to transfer - for the Nano, making sure the locations are contiguous. The above is a one-time procedure. Your Behringer control surface is now ready to emulate the Mackie Control Universal - with any DAW, whenever you turn it on. Just be sure, in your DAW, to select the Mackie Control Universal as your MIDI control surface input. BCF2MCU+.SYX AND BCR2MCU+.SYX: ADDED CAPABILITY These two new presets are identical to those described above, except that they add four functions assigned to the Store, Learn, Edit and Exit keys (collectively referred to as "the function keys"). The assignments are these: Store = Cursor Up; Edit = Cursor Down; Learn = Scrub (note 101); Exit = Flip (note 50). Installation is a little more complex because, since Store is reprogrammed, it is not available to actually store the preset. This is no problem if you wish to store to *preset 32*, which the file does by default. To store either sysex to *preset 1-31*, however, either do the following in any sysex editor, or see below (for an easier way in Windows): scroll to the bottom of the file displayed in hex format, each byte separated by a space. Close to the end, locate the two bytes before the final byte sequence "F7 F0" (these are originally "33 32"). To specify a preset other than #32, you must edit these two bytes. The *second digit* of each of the bytes equals a digit in your two-digit preset number. The default bytes, "33 32", produce a preset of "32" (the highest legal number, and empty by factory default). Edit these to get your desired location. Examples: "30 31" = 1; "30 39" = 9; "31 30" = 10; "32 35" = 25. Save your revised preset and transfer it as usual. You'll not need to press Store at the end; you will automatically end up at your selected preset. In Windows, there is now an easier way: do your transfers with Royce Craven's Sysex Loader (included in this package). His utility permits you to specify the BCR or BCF location (1-32) you want without using the Store key at all. (This feature is especially handy when "Store" is unavailable.) One minor quirk: these two enhanced presets actually store *both* to preset 32 and the location you select.