REMEMBERING O'O: Sound Files for FileMix and FileMixAuto (2011) Realtime Csound5 (all platform) version Art Hunkins The Kauai O'o is a now-extinct bird formerly native to the Hawaiian island of Kauai. The introduction of black rat, domestic pig and disease-carrying mosquitoes are thought to have contributed to its demise in the late 1980's. These 4 sound files are edited from the Kauai O'o recording posted on the website, which in turn originated from the Macauley Library orthitology collection at Cornell University (where the Kauai O'o is identified as Moho braccatus). They are designed to be looped in live performance. These files, labeled soundin.1 through soundin.4, must be placed in the directory from which FileMix (FileMixAuto) is run. Soundin.1 is an 8-second background cricket track. Soundin.2 is approximately the first half of the recording, and is panned significantly to the left; soundin.3 is the second half panned right. Each lasts 30 seconds+. Soundin.4 is centered, as are the crickets, and is essentially the entire recording (>75 seconds). Remembering O'o is primarily suited to FileMix4 and FileMix4ASC; it is not recommended for FileMix (or FileMixASC). The files are especially appropriate for *single-parameter* rendering, where track amplitudes are varied and sounds are otherwise unmodified. In such a case, *MIDI* control will result in far subtler variation of amplitude changes and levels than will the ASCII keyboard. The files work well in FileMixAuto also. Needless to say, whatever the vehicle, amplitude changes should be slow and tempered. For further explanatory notes, see the FileMix.txt that accompanies FileMix/FileMix4 for Csound5 (at, and the FileMixAutoReadMe included with FileMixAuto/Sugar Activity version (available directly from: